Quench your Thirst

28 Jun 2016 1 min read No comments Planning Tips
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Usually, when planning drinks for a wedding, the focus is on having enough wine, bubbly and anything else you want to serve. Sometimes soft drinks can get left by the wayside, which is a shame, as you put so much effort into the way everything else will look on your big day but then have a plastic bottle of water, or similar, on your table.

Soft drinks are really fun to play around with and they definitely don’t need to be just a few bottles from the fridge. Consider your guests – will you have a lot of children at your wedding or grandparents and older relatives – when thinking about how you can display your wedding soft drinks.

My favourite 3 ideas for quenching your thirst on your big day are:

1. Jam jars – Easy to acquire and to decorate if you wish, these look great at a relaxed wedding and can be filled with anything; alcoholic punches to sparkling water.

2. Use as place settings – To kill two birds with one stone, why not have each guest’s name on a bottle or glass at the table. You don’t have to worry about place settings and they have their own glass to refill throughout the day.

3. Glass dispensers – I love the big Kilner jar dispensers. You could create a whole line of different juices and soft punches, or even simply lemon flavoured water, that the guests could help themselves to.

Author: admin