Your Wedding in Lights

15 Jun 2016 1 min read No comments Planning Tips
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Who wouldn’t want their name in lights? Especially on their wedding day! Giant lightbulb lettering, LED signs and lots of homemade illuminated signs are all the rage for 2016 and it’s not hard to see why.

There is something opulent about having your name or initials twinkling out to the room on your big day. Lightbulb lettering is by far my favourite and it’s super versatile; as long as you have a flat surface and a socket you can put them anywhere at your wedding.

Most companies hire the letters and symbols individually so you can mix and match and create whatever word you want. A lot of couples go for their initials with an & in between. You can write out ‘LOVE’ or ‘JUST MARRIED or ‘MRS & MRS’… it’s completely up to you! There is also the option of buying a ready-made word. These tend to be a bit smaller than the giant letters and are good if you want to add them to a table – a sweets table, for example – so you can’t have them too tall or heavy.

The light up message boards – or cinema signs – are also super popular at the moment. These would be a really cool addition to your wedding, and unlike the lightbulb letters that you’d have to give back after your big day, once you can keep your message board and pop it somewhere in your home! These boards come with letters and numbers so you can personalise your own message.

Author: admin