Wedding Postcards

26 Aug 2016 1 min read No comments Planning Tips

Wedding postcards are a super cute and versatile wedding accessory. They can be incorporated into your wedding right from your engagement, if you wish, and used throughout the various preparations and the big day itself. Inject your personality, vision and wedding theme onto them; such a simple way of setting the scene and carrying it through.

Send them

Postcards are a great choice for your wedding stationery. They are playful and fun and certainly don’t cost the same as a notecard or greetings card. With weddings, you have a great deal of things to post. Whether you send your family and friends an engagement note, or simply for the invitations to your big day or thank you cards afterwards, you’ll probably do more writing around your wedding than you’ve done in a long time! Postcards are especially ace if you have a travel or country or special place angle to your wedding as the nature of postcards goes hand in hand with exploring and adventure.

Display them

At your wedding itself, there will be lost of opportunity to use postcards in your décor. One lovely idea is to have some postcards personalised and have these as your guest book. You guests then each take a postcard to write their personal message to you and ‘post it’ in a letterbox, as some couples choose to have, or peg them up onto a line hanging in your reception venue. They can be a blank canvas or a designed element of your wedding.

Author: admin